Franconia in the headlines/Franken in der Weltpresse
It’s not often that Franconia makes it into BBC News: bq. Pig manure swamps German village A village in the German state of Bavaria is recovering after being flooded with liquid pig manure. … The...
View ArticleToeing the line in Bavaria/Wurst und Würste
My favourite Bavarian TV programme, quer (on Thursdays) reported last week on the sad case of the master butcher Franz Xaver Kremhöller from Niederalteich, who finished up paying a 200 euro fine...
View ArticleBillable Hour watches
The Billable Hour is a watch for lawyers making it easy to track time in six-minute increments. Clocks available too. (Via lawblog)
View ArticleBonfire
Bonfire has a very witty website, not just in relation to translation (‘Translations are not enough’, it says). (Via Prentiss Riddle)
View ArticleInterpreting at court / Dolmetschen bei Gericht
Artikel heute in der NZ zu einer Gerichtsdolmetscherin beim Amtsgericht in Nürnberg, Jutta Koch (Link wird nicht ewig funktionieren; bei dem Foto ist etwas schiefgegangen, Gott sei dank, dass mein Bild...
View ArticleJez’ professional translation weblog
Jez, the FR>EN translator-percussionist-cum-blogger, announces in Jezblog that he has started a ‘professional translation weblog‘.
View ArticleDivorce payments in England/Scheidung in England
Schon am 19. Februar brachte die Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung einen Artikel zum englischen Scheidungsrecht (danke an Handakte WebLAWg). bq. Colin Montgomerie hatte Pech. Da habe ich wohl ein...
View ArticleTranslation Quality Weblog
Riccardo Schiaffino (of About Translation) and Franco Zearo have started a blog on translation quality and quality measurement.
View ArticleSidmouth-Munich swap/Sidmouth-München-Tausch
BBC Prime, at 20:30 on March 1 2006: bq. HOME FROM HOME-Sidmouth/Munich (Lifestyle) Families, couples and individuals from different countries swap homes for a holiday. As they settle into their new...
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